Collection Center Releases: Mario DiSanto - Distorted Proportions (CC-009)
Mario DiSanto’s Debut album, "Distorted Proportions" was released earlier this year on May 30th, 2023, featuring an eclectic sound that blends his own unique style and tone with the Garage and Psychedelic Bands of the 1960s. DiSanto, originally a drummer for multiple bands in the New Jersey area, spent time dedicating himself to learning other instruments and accumulating analog equipment. Of the equipment he would obtain, he’d repair, assisted with own background in mechanical engineering, eventually building an entire in-house analog studio. Being able to capture that 60s Sound is hard with digital equipment today, meanwhile, DiSanto is an artist committed to staying true to his visions of keeping Analog Alive.
DiSanto does more than just demonstrate his prowess in his recordings, he shares his knowledge on Youtube, teaching people how to repair and operate analog equipment while also demonstrating his own discoveries as he produces his own records.
Mario DiSanto's journey extends beyond his captivating sound and mechanical prowess. He has recently been approached for a collaboration by us (collection center). With our dedication to nurturing new indie and psychedelic musicians and bands. We’re aiming to amplify DiSanto's distinctive and memorable debut and release his album, ''Distorted Proportions” on tape in Early October.